Font Search - 2 fonts

Hello, can anyone tell me the fonts for both sets of fonts?
The red one I think is just Arial, I might be wrong.

The bottom word is the one that I don’t have any clue on what font it is.

Hi @Luqham95,

the red one could be many fonts, one example is Google’s Montserrat:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-17 um 14.53.14

The other one is called Napavin, I couldn’t find any legal site to download it from, it is part of a font collection. You have to google it yourself, there are some sites I didn’t want to post here. :wink:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-17 um 14.58.03


Thank you yet again for the fast response, my dude.

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