Can anyone identify this? Thanks


Clarendon Ex Bold

Thank you, much appreciated! How did you become an expert on fonts? Wish I had your knowledge!

Thanks. Short answer: Stay alive! It came to me from paying attention for a long long time. I started in this profession in 1964 in my uncle’s typesetting shop, with 3 Linotypes and lots of handset type. Then a year or so in a printing company after college and two years in an advertising agency art department in the early 70s, using cold type, Letraset, Typositor fonts, and buying commercial type. Then came DTP in 1984! I got into it in 1988 with PageMaker on a Mac II and have stayed with it since then. Your sample was easy. It is Clarendon, a great face that was designed by Robert Besley in London in 1845, named for the building that housed the Cambridge University Press, and spawned an entire subgenre of serif faces. It’s like Helvetica and Garamond in its ubiquity.

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Have you seen the Helvetica documentary, if not here is the link

Thanks your help, I will be putting up a few more fonts later, hopefully someone will know what they are.


Yep, I have. Thanks for reminding me.

Can you help me with these? Thanks.